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The event(s) below require action within 7 days

Date Age Name ACTION
Jul.25.20240Chatting with AI it's broadcast on July 17th and a recording will be available after that check gmail for "Chatting with AI"Edit
Jul.26.194975Trish WasekEdit
Jul.29.20212pay IC utility bill at https://www.icgov.org/city-government/departments-and-divisions/utilitiesEdit
Aug.01.20203Check if you want to restart Game day pass Edit
Aug.01.2025-1Call Jim's septic service 319-624-2784 pump tank after that call RotoRooter 563-388-9900Edit
Aug.01.20203repaint red line on overhang of deck above septic lidEdit
Aug.01.20221Cancel New York Magazine Edit